Our Vision

We envision a community where every leader has the tools and support needed to create lasting impact and drive positive change in our communities.

It’s More Than A Program

It’s about IMPACT & CHANGE


  • Building up Black nonprofit leaders benefits everyone

  • Relationships and resource-sharing enrich leaders' service capabilities

  • The experience of gathering Black nonprofit leaders produces significantly positive personal and organizational impact


  • Authenticity Above ALL

  • Building Social Capital/Networks

  • Community Care

  • Developing the Whole Person

  • Equity-Focused

Did you know

  • At least 60% of all national nonprofits serve BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) - Annie E Casey Foundation report.

  • BoardSource “Leading With Intent” report in 2017 noted that 84% of nonprofit board members identify as white

  • BoardSource’s most recent Leading With Intent Report released in June of this year showed that NOW about 87% of nonprofit chief executives are White with 78% of nonprofit boards also being White. While this means there has been some progress, the change has been slow.


Our country’s growing awareness of systemic inequities is causing many in the social sector to focus on diversity, equity and inclusion on nonprofit boards (and in executive leadership).


Multiple studies have documented the changing landscape of leadership. Whether this be from a generational, gender, or racial perspective, we are recognizing the shift. With regards to the nonprofits sector, specifically, there is recognition of the racial leadership gap for representation of the populations served.

Our Mentors

Christopher M. Jackson

William "Mack" McDonald

Donna Dunlap

Angela Hubbard Woods

Tiffany Capers

Ralphine Caldwell

Deronda Metz

Tayuanee Dewberry

Nicholas V. Wharton

Manuel Campbell

Sam Smith

Fred Dobson

Krista Terrell    

Danielle Fraizer

Men Tchaas Ari